Telework New Zealand

Telework strategies that benefit employers, employees and society: profiting from flexibility

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Corporate solutions

Telework New Zealand works with a wide range of organisations, in a wide variety of capacities. The approach taken is a flexible adaptation of a standard consulting process, i.e. identifying the parameters, objectives, and challenges that a project will face; clarifying the specific objectives to be met; developing a 'model' of what success will 'look like'; and creating a useable action plan. The approach establishes the risks and benefits of possible telework initiatives and utilises extensive experience and knowledge to deliver successful outcomes.

The standard consulting process is available as a Five-Step Process with each step building on the results of the previous one. You need purchase only as many modules as you need or want. There is no obligation to go all the way.

The Five Steps to Telework are:
1. a preliminary cost-benefit analysis,
2. a presentation and question and answer session (this can be delivered 'virtually'),
3. a workshop to identify the parameters of your telework programme,
4. developing a 'model' and the action plan to get there, and
5. formal guidelines and policies

The first step is to confirm that telework will deliver benefits to your organisation. Fill in this five-question questionnaire. Alternatively, email or phone us on 09 817 8024 and we will send you a spreadsheet detailing the benefits that your organisation might expect. We will also provide two additional documents: a summary of selected case studies; and a background paper on the costs of staff turnover and how telework can reduce your staff retention and recruitment costs. All this is available for only $50, including GST.

Alternatively, Telework New Zealand offers:

Three documents that will help you set up and manage a successful telework programme:

Starting Telework: a guide for employees who want to start a telework arrangement in their company ($20, including GST)

A Management Guide to establishing telework: a management resource that includes draft documents and suggests a process for implementing telework within your organisation ($100, including GST)

Managing Telework: a resource for managers that introduces ways to get the most out of virtual teams ($50, including GST)

To obtain your copy of these resources, please pay the appropriate amount into bank account 12-3100-0225470-00 in the name of Telework New Zealand with your company name in the reference field, and email with your order. Upon receipt of payment we will dispatch the resources you request, together with a GST invoice/receipt.

Workshops and presentations: We can deliver executive briefings and a wide range of presentations and workshops, either 'virtually' or in person. Visit Implementation support for more information.

Feasibility analysis: Is telework suitable for your enterprise and will it deliver benefits?  The answers will depend on HR policies, IT capability, jobs and workflows, management styles, corporate objectives, and more.  Telework New Zealand can tell you what will work and what won't -- which could save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

Telework Training -- We are pleased to be able to offer's innovative on-line learning system for intending teleworkers and their managers.

Public Speaking and Training Courses: Bevis England has provided keynote addresses and work shops for seminars and conferences, training courses for organisations and their staff, and 'after-dinner' entertainment.  He has worked with groups as large as 500 and as small as five -- in Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Gisborne and San Jose. 

For more information on how we can help you, email



"The office is in your head, all else is only support services"

Request FREE resources:

News updates -- Get recent global news about telework emailed direct every fortnight.

Benchmark -- Find out how you compare to the 200-plus organisations in our database

Occupational Safety and Health -- The Accident Compensation Commission's guide to safe and healthy working in the home office


Bevis England, Telework New Zealand,  Phone: +64-9-817 8024 or +64-27-494 0700  Skype: bevis.england

Last page update: Tuesday, 28 August 2012.  Please note that copyright on all content is retained by Bevis England.  Information may not be on-sold or used as part of any payable service or activity. Neither can it be transcribed, printed or reproduced in any form, in full or in part, without inclusion of this note. If you would like to be kept in touch, or if you have specific questions, feedback or comments please contact us.